JOE Grind: The life of a Jamaican Bunna Man- Chapter 1


My first sexual encounter can be considered as a dream opportunity for most boys my age at that time. After being enrolled in one of the most prestigious institutions in the Western Hemisphere, the matter of losing my virginity was not “if”, but when. I can still remember the night as clear as day. My twelve-year-old mind could not possibly fathom that that day I would’ve been lucky, despite all the blatant hints the sexpert was sending my way. The hints started earlier in the day after I got home from school. For the purpose of confidentiality, let’s call the sexpert Lucinda. Lucinda was exhibiting one of her many talents apparently, as she was grooming my younger sister’s hair, while I innocently went and poached in on her leg.

“You have something going on in your pants deh,” Lucinda exclaimed.

Contrary to popular belief, this was not my childhood innocence not understanding the statement, but my childhood innocence making me too shy to respond. As such, Lucinda saw it fit to repeat the statement a few more times, as she thought I was too preoccupied with watching her work, and not hearing her. My older sister saw the situation and quickly asked,

“a how you just a sing pon that so?” “mind enuh,” she continued.

In which Lucinda responded while laughing,

“No man, your brother is a little boy”

I walked off laughing, seemingly to avoid the embarrassment my ego had just endured, little did I know she had plans for this little boy.

The day went on as regularly programmed with watching my favorite sitcoms on tv before getting started on the house chores. By the time I was done, it was pitch black outside, and the moonlight peeped through the cracks of the window. The night stood still and the coolness of the tropical breeze were non-existent. To my surprise, I found myself watching the local news, and if I thought the night could be any more eerie, I heard a knocking on my gate. Then it opened. Then she entered. I was shocked to see this slender, model-like female posing seductively between the door jams of my living room. I watched her looking at me, looking at her in bewilderment.

“Can you reheat this for me please?” she questioned.

I was a bit confused, knowing that she had a microwave and access to others, so I was trying to wrap my mind around the matter and fully grasp the predicament I was now in. Within a matter of minutes, the operation was done and she whined her buttocks out the door. Before I could find an answer, I heard my gate knocking again, and then it opened. As she walked straight through the door, she assumed her position beside me and stared at the television without blinking. This brought more confusion on my end as there was nothing entertaining about the local news. Instantly, a line from Vybz Kartel’s song “Come Breed Me” came to my mind;

from yuh come a me yard, me done know weh yuh a pree, me ask if you need something, you cya speak, me know you don’t come fi watch tv, me done see a fuck yuh want, skin out di tight sumn gi me

there and then I started scheming on how I was going to arrive at the promise land.

As I sat there, I noticed that she was endorsing a multicolored bra, and the light bulbs in my head went crazy. I unwrapped my fingers from under my arms and stretched, then rubbed on a specific area as I tried to solicit information,

“a dirt this?”

Knowing damn well it wasn’t, I removed my hand to cover any foul play as she was about to answer.

“No, you nuh see say a me brazier?”

 Lucinda laughingly countered as her nipples waved me hello.

This was my cue. After all, I’ve watched enough porn videos to know that she was being flirtatious and was seducing me. Lucinda directed her attention dead at the television once again, but was ignoring the news, meanwhile I whispered my soliloquy 

“Kartel I will not let you down, I will not let you down.

My mother came in and saw how little oxygen was left in the space between us, as we were merely inhaling each others carbon dioxide, and surprisingly said anything. Mums then walked out and sat on the veranda on her phone, for what appeared to be the longest five minutes of my life. Luckily, her phone rang and purchased my freedom from the captivity. As I was about to lock shop and ‘seal the deal’, here comes my older sister, (who will forever be my G), with her shenanigans.

“You want a condom mi bredda?”

She assertively interrogated, as she correctly summed up the variables of the equation.

Inevitably, my childhood innocence forced me to laugh and refuse the offer, while I faced deep remorse inside. Lucinda burst out in laughter as well, denying the need for the protection, while her prior actions indicated that we needed more than just one. As my sister left the house, I closed the door expeditiously and initiated operation #Promiseland. Foreplay was quick and apathetic. It was evident that she had a load she wanted to quickly deposit on the thing in my pants that she had referenced earlier. With no hesitation, she yanked on my shorts, and there it was, looking back at her in excitement, drooling at her heated body awaiting to be sunk in the depths of wetness that puddled between her thighs. I switched the television off, but had not realized that I did not know where the main entrance was, and the bush between her legs wasn’t of much help either. Running out of ideas, I collected myself and my thoughts and realized that there was a phone on the table. Not just any phone, but a phone with a flashlight, and my excitement grew faster than the bulge in my pants. Within five quick and deep thrusts, I was erupting, shaking at the aftermath of the disaster, as she clenched onto me while my lava flow repainted my the columns of her walls.

Lucinda, feeling quite content with her ‘accomplishment’, walked off lazily as if she had just lost her bearings and was floating. I quickly switched the television on and sat like a champ, patting myself on the shoulders. As I stepped outside to take a breath of fresh air, there was my G, my older sister smiling and celebrating as if I had just won a gold medal at the World Championships; it was evident that she felt proud.

She, along with her entourage began a chorus of celebration as they glorified my milestone. Being the innocent child I was, or what was left of me being innocent, stood there denying their allegations which brewed their laughter even more. They pointed at my shorts which had evidences of my battle scars, and to my surprise, I did not know a man could bleed that much without dying. Quickly, I drew for the washing brush and labored to get the stains out my clothes. My sister laughed and told me to throw it away because it doesn’t make sense I try doing that, and so I did. That night, I slept with the biggest smile on my face and felt more rested than ever.

The following day was strange to say the least, I mean, what could possible go wrong after such an eventful and exciting night? That morning, I went to school evidently floating on cloud nine, despite being my normal self. I was a bit more cautious with how fast or slow I walked, as I didn’t want to get a spec of dirt on shoes nor my uniform. My hair was more groomed and the waves were as calm as the passage way created when God helped Moses to cross the Red Sea- a little bit sharper than I usually was to be honest. However, I noted a peculiar difference after I had changed and got ready for physical education class. There I was preparing for my game as I usually would, however, I was getting tired almost instantly. I was a bit puzzled as I had ensured I ate a steady breakfast and lunch earlier. As the game started, I was holding onto my knees gasping for breath and sweating like a sinner in church at an altar call. It was at this point I knew something was definitely wrong, or my mind was playing tricks on me somehow. The taste of her lips stained mine, and I stood in the middle of the field clueless as to what to do next. The more I spat to rid my mouth of her lips, the more I got dehydrated and inevitably, started losing concentration. I left the class seeking tranquility as my subconscious was wondering all over-possibly searching for Alice…or maybe…Lucinda?

When I thought that the day couldn’t get any stranger, after arriving home and resting for a bit, here comes Lucinda, but this time with her more attractive, sensuous older sister. She greeted me with a flirtatious smile as she caressed my chest muscles. I was a bit confused as I knew they were sisters, but was not sure as to why she was this way towards me, so I ran. The following day, which was a Friday evening, she stopped me on the road, and as she swayed over to me, she smiled and said

“Me hear bout wah you can do,” as she bit her lips and indirectly showed me her backside.

I was still a bit clueless at the time, however, if I knew then what I know now, I would’ve bagged both sisters, just as how they planned it.

Now, just imagine if I had garnered those experiences from an early age, my wife would have had even more reasons to brag about how she had consummated her marriage. Despite not capitalizing on the opportunity of an orgy with two sisters, losing my virginity can be considered as the first marker in being recruited as an honorary member of the Joe Grind community.

As the years went by and experienced grew, I surrounded myself with the company of like-minded young men of my age, who fancied older women. I learned new strategies from them, and I taught them a few myself, as we believed in helping each other to achieve a similar goal. What made it much easier for us at the time, was that the older men who were supposed to be the source of emotional and sexual comfort to these grown women, were busy chasing the skirts of females our age. Consequently, this created an evident void in the food chain as we had no companions our age, neither did the older women. As such, almost psychedelically, we both agreed to exploit this void to see the possibilities that would arise. Though there was this void, there were still a few females who were reluctant to experience this new movement, as they believed that their spouses would return home at the end of the day, and that was enough for them. On the other hand, the females who knew their worth and didn’t want to settle with the disappointment of a drained partner at the end of the evening when they’re now in the mood, decided to have the tables turned and leveled the playing field- they took all the pleasure in this new found opportunity.


There must be a thousand stories of how close family friends prey on the young girls and boys in their developmental stages for their pleasure, but it’s never recorded, or thought about to say the least, of how the situation is, if the shoe was on the other foot. One of my very first encounters as Joe Grind happened with a family friend. This happened in a time where my family was experiencing grief, as my aunt had just lost her fight with cancer. I now understand why my older sister acted the way she did, as I can recall similar instances where this aunt exhibited similar traits around me, then it clicked to me that it was a rare polygamous gene that found its way in our bloodline from the paternal side of our family. This aunt, may her soul rest in eternal peace, can be argued to be a soothsayer for the women her age, as she directed a few of them my way, even at her death.

After my aunt passed, I was helping my paternal grandmother to sell a few products in market downtown in the Christmas time. It was at this point, I saw her neighbor, who was much younger than she was, but still much older than I was, there assisting her as well. She had a bright smile and even though she was short, once seated, she seemed to be the same height while standing, or even taller. Her smile and physique both caught my eyes, and the longer I looked at her buttocks, the more her curiosity grew as to why I was making it so obvious.

“You want something to drink?” I asked, as I assumed she was parched, or this was my method of breaking the ice.

She smiled as she said sure and continued “so you’re going to tell me why you were looking at me like that?” as she smirked

“I mean, I like what I see and its very impressive,” I continued.

“Hear this little boy though God, you know me coulda have you?” she exclaimed

“First of all, my father never want you for you to be my mother, that’s why I’m bringing you closer to the family,” I quickly responded.

She was stuck in amusement as my words plastered the brightest smile on her face that I had ever seen. I watched her facial expressions and how she was adjusting herself on the stool she was sitting on, so I instantly thought she was getting butterflies while flooding the bench she was sitting on. Flattering myself, I continued my plight and stated

“Then again, if I’m a child as you say, prove it to me,” as I slowly bit my bottom lip, lubricating it slightly, and let it unfold under the grip of my teeth.

“Can see that you full a talk, can bet you don’t have no action to back,” she counteracted as she laughed under her breath.

“Me daddy a African plus me dye my liver white,” I smartly responded
“Give me your number, because you full a too much talk enuh,” she said as she took her phone out and collected my digits.

“Me soon come, me ago sell these and come back,” I replied after giving her my contact details.

As I paraded the streets of down town Kingston with mini shorts on my left hand and my juice in my right, I possessed a difference that made me stand out from the other vendors that were there. Amidst the noise and chaos, I heard footsteps running towards me will a frail shriek, “shortsie” “shortsie”, and as I turned around, there was this fine specimen coming towards me, that was pleasing to the eyes. The closer she got, the more I realized how stunning she was.

“How much for this shorts?” she asked.

“$1500, but if you want your man go out with you tomorrow and show you off, buy this one for $1800,” I responded. “With this, your bottom ago round up more, and when you walk out every man will subscribe to your channel and shower you with views, likes and comments,” I continued.

As she smiled and contemplated the switch, she asked “so who tell you say me have man?”

“You can’t tell me you look like that and still single…something must wrong with you” I said confidently.

It was evident that she was trying to be reserved and withhold information, but the frustration apparently was too much and she sighed

“I do have a man, but he never has time for me, when he’s at work I understand, but as soon as he’s back, on the road with his friends.”

I sighed as I empathized with her and caressed her chin, “you know you deserve better than that right?”

“Just one of them things, ago just go out with my friends and enjoy the night tomorrow,” she said happily.
“Same way so,” I said encouragingly. “Also, send me a picture of you when you’re in the shorts just so me can prove the point I was making earlier,” I prolonged.

She laughed, took my number and paid me. I didn’t even take the full price for the shorts, after all, Christmas is about giving right?

“Let me know when you’re home,” I said, as I watched her get on her bus.

A few moments later, I got a phone call from a strange number saying that my mother and Gran’ were wondering where I was. I asked who it was, and I was told that it was my secret admirer. I smiled and went back to the location where I was and saw them there standing, all packed and ready to leave. Feeling proud of myself, I grinned all the way home while trying to maintain my composure. As I’m messaging my family friend, let’s call her Sharkiesha, the sexting got intense rather quickly, and she fell asleep almost immediately, or I thought she did.

Was this an indication of her performance in bed?

Was I that bad?

What did I say wrong?

A million questions plagued my head, however, I kept it cool, showered and went to bed. The following day was Christmas morning, and I spent that day with family, away from technology. To my surprise, the day after Christmas, Sharkiesha messaged me asking if I couldn’t have invited her over for dinner. With a huge smile on my face, we resumed our raunchy sext messaging. We were so lost in the conversation that we did not realized that a whole day had passed us by, and my friends had asked if I was going out with them, which I agreed to.

“I’m gonna go bathe, can wash my back for me?” I asked Sharkiesha.

“Yes of course, but you have to be quick before the others get back,” she replied.

I quickly packed a bag, told the guys I’ll be back soon and ran out to go bathe. She lives about ten minutes away from where I was, and I reached there in three minutes. I caught my breath, regained my composure then set a message saying “knock knock,” then knocked on her door. To her surprise, I was standing there with the sneakiest smile she had ever seen, which had her weak in the knees. She invited me in and we sat on the sofa asking me if I was actually serious. I mean, I’m here so what do you think Sharkiesha? She got up, closed the door then began undressing. By the time she embarked at the bathroom door, she was completely nude and posing as if she was a model.

“You not coming?” she asked as she smiled at me.
“I’ll be there soon, just enjoying the view a bit,” I responded slowly, trying to hide the fact that I was nervous. Sharkiesha, quite experienced as she was, turned around and slowly picked up her clothes from the floor, arching her back in the process, as she showed me ‘my Christmas gift’. That was my queue. I got up rather quickly, maybe the strength of my three legs propelled me as a sign to go get what was mine. She stayed there and waited for me to spank her as if it was my toll pass to enter the bathroom, which I gladly obliged.

The water was cold and the rhythm of my shivers played music in head.

“Somebody’s excited,” she said smiling as she looked below my waist. I took her loofah, held her firmly and washed her thoroughly, while allowing my warm meat to touch with every motion.

“You see you, look like a long time you doing these things enuh,” she said excitedly as I turned the shower on- though I thought she would’ve been washed off completely below the waist as a result of how wet she was. She hopped out the shower and went to her mother’s room while I washed up. Upon entering the room, she laid flat on her back with her legs in the air, and her arms above her buttocks as support.

“You have condom right?” she asked

“Shakey warrior alone go pon battle field without bulletproof vest,” I answered

“You come prepared man,” she counteracted while laughing.

I caressed her clitoris and my fingers slipped in a pool of her wetness. I massaged her breasts while sucking on her nipples as she gasped for breath. I slid the condom on and slowly gave her just the tip. The more I grind in her, the wetter she got and her legs began to shake uncontrollably. I set her on her knees and sunk it deep inside her. Apparently, she was not quite experienced with a tool that has this much curvature, and after about fifteen minutes, she retired from the quest.

“Come over my house next week,” she said as she texted me her home address. I smiled as I tried putting my three legs back in my pants and proudly walked the streets with it. 


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