Chapter 1 Continued

 Later that night, I received an image sent to my phone from an unfamiliar contact number, with the caption “you were right.” It was the gorgeous female from downtown that copped the shorts, and can I tell you, it did make her bottom more rounded. After a few compliments, and making her smile again, I asked to see her, which she surprisingly agreed to. “Can my Christmas get any merrier than this?” I thought to myself as I told her goodnight and went to bed. The following morning, I realized I was the only one home, so I quickly did some mild cleaning as a few things were out of place in my room. Had a quick, but thorough shower and searched for my best ‘yard clothes’ that looked almost decent enough to be worn as ‘Sunday’s best’. Before I was done getting dressed, my phone rang, and it was her. The blood started gushing all over my body, my knees trembled a bit, and she could hear the beat of my heart through the phone.

“Good morning Shortie, where you going to meet me?” she asked.
“I was just about to call you enuh and ask you all of that,” I responded. “Meet me at Captain’s Bakery downtown in 10 minutes,” I continued.

She laughed saying “my name is Genel by the way, and I’m already there.”

I could hear the smile on her face while I pictured how her eyes glared above her pearly white teeth.

“I’ll be there soon,” I stated as I ended the call.

Without hesitation, I hopped on a taxi, and in less than ten minutes, I was downtown. The place was crowded as usual, however, I was able to see from a distance as a result of her radiant smile. To this day, I honestly believed she picked out that dress specifically for me, as it could’ve easily been confused as a second layer of skin. Genel was more aesthetically appealing than I had remembered. She stood on feet of gold, and her body was almost completely proportionately divided- I mean, if she was looking behind her, she would not be able to see her heels. Her cologne deescalated the horrendous stench that permeated the air to the point where butterflies and white doves circumnavigated her presence. After about 5 minutes of staring at her in admiration, I finally spoke to her.

“Good morning, you ok?” I asked.

“Yea, I’m fine, just a bit nervous,” Genel answered. “How are you though?” she questioned.

“I’m good…it’s expected that you’re a bit shy now, just know you’re in safe hands,” I assured her. “You eat by the way?” I asked

“Earlier, but my nervousness make me empty, but I’ll be fine,” she said.

Instinctively, I went ahead and bought her soup and sour-sop juice, as a means of helping her relax.

By the time we got to my house, a vendor was there informing my mother of how good of a salesman I was. She even made mention of my exploits of wooing Genel, who she refers to as my mother’s daughter-in-law. To their surprise, I was now approaching with the girl they were hearing so much and so little about in that instant. They were all in shock to the point where the conversation was halted and their jaws brushed their ankles. I went to my mother, who had already summed up the equation of what was about to happen and turned a blind eye to my endeavors. As I got back to Genel, her mother decided to call and she laughed.

“I can’t let my mother know where I am enuh,” she laughed. “Big 26 year old woman still have over-protective mother,” she continued while laughing.

I thought to myself, ‘another big woman, youth you a do road’.

“Let me talk to her and relax her head,” I confidently stated as I outstretched my hand reaching for the phone. Genel looked at me a bit puzzled as she was weary of her mother would’ve responded. As she looked at the inquisitive bystanders, she smiled and gave me the phone.
“Hello good morning, is this Genel’s mother?” I asked.

“Yes, this is she, is everything okay?” she asked “where is she?” she continued.
“Genel’s fine. This is her friend Raj, and we’re over by my house. You were always asking her to go out and have fun so she decided to do so today,” I explained. I do apologize for her not communicating that to you prior, she was just a bit excited to leave,” I continued.

“Thank you Jesus!” she exclaimed. “Know how long me a pray fi she leave the house?” she continued. “She did pack clothes?” “She want clothes?” she asked excitedly. “Come meet me at Half Way Tree for a bag,” she prolonged as her excitement grew by the second.

Genel’s mom realized I was enjoying the conversation and laughed out as well.
“You want to speak with her?” I asked as her laughter dwindle away.
“No that’s fine, just ensure she’s back in one piece whenever you’re sending her back,” she communicated.

“Will do, have a great day,” I assured her as I ended the call.

Genel and the bystanders seemed puzzled, confused and concerned all at once. They all wondered about the nature of the conversation we were having as it was quite eventful.

We proceeded to my house, which got her a bit more nervous than she had expected. When she saw that my room was freshly cleaned, she laughed out loud and asked if I had plans. I ignored her question with a smile and asked if she wanted anything else to eat.

“You must waa me bawl for stitches and flop,” she said laughingly. “Me good man, hurry up and make me burn off the weight you make me gain,” she continued.

I stood there in shock, baffled by the utterances of her mouth. “Is this the shy girl I met earlier?” I thought to myself. The more I stood there, the closer she came to me and gripped me in my throat then braced me onto the wall. Genel kissed my neck so passionately, I thought she permanently left her mark there. As she ripped my T-shirt off, I took a deep sigh, not because the tension was building, but the fact that I loved that shirt dearly. She kissed my chest down to the V-line of my pelvic area as she looked up on me below her eyebrows as if she was about to unleash a legion of demons on me. As I firmly gathered her hair together in a ponytail, she unzipped my pants and a flood of warm wetness surrounded my curvature. Genel was divinely talented. Unmatched. Only came second to tin can bread with what she demonstrated.

“Te…tell me why your man don’t spend time with you now?” I asked rhetorically. She maintained her form as if her life depended on it; gasping and gagging with each thrust. As I helped her undress, I noticed she had nothing under her dress. Just her birthday suit. I then laugh out loud asking:
“You did plan muma?”

She unwrapped the condom with her mouth and applied it in one motion, adding more delight to my experience. Sliding the tip in, was a bit of a challenge, despite her promise land being flooded with thick, white, creamy wetness. Thankfully, it was in, and the breath she took had so much depth that it clenched my little friend all the way in her promise land. Movement inside her was a bit restricted due to space constraint, but we made it work. Just like a painter, the strokes were applied short and slow, and as the composition began to develop in imagery, the strokes got longer and faster to cover more ground on the canvas.

One hand gripped the sheets and the other gripped my chest. The pain was unbearable but the pleasure was unmatched. She twitched, groaned and spoke in agony, as her body felt as if it was forever and a half, since it experienced anything close to this. Undoubtedly, by this time I’m sure she had received her citizenship for cloud nine due to her frequent and extended visits while being in the company of myself and my pleasure stick. Before we knew it, it was already evening and the place was getting dark. It was too late for her to be travelling on the road so I had called her mother and let her know she was sleeping over. As expected, she was excited at the news and thanked me for being a great “friend” with added emphasis on the friend. I didn’t question it though, I allowed her to bask in her new found joy. Genel was now glowing more than before. Her skin shone golden and more radiant than before. Is this really happening? It may seem as if the physical insemination of vitamins D and S in her body did wonders for the fluorophores in her body. It was evident that she has been on a sex diet or has been deprived of this necessity for quite a white.

After taking a shower, Genel quickly endorsed herself in my boxers and T-shirt after having a bath and laid peacefully in my bed. Little did I know that was the last I was going to see her. The following morning after breakfast, she decided she was going to travel home dressed in my clothing, which she spent over an hour choosing. After finally going through all my wardrobe, Genel finally decided what three suits she would choose as her souvenir. As we stood in the shade of a huge mango tree in Half Way Tree awaiting her mother, she thanked me for an amazing weekend, and gave me a peck on my cheek. My arms engulfed her in my presence similar to how a sloth would carry their child while climbing a tree, and she felt at ease. No one would who saw us could’ve possibly fathom that we only knew each other for less than seventy-two hours, due to how intimately we held each other. To every good thing there must be an end or however the saying goes. To my surprise, I saw a rather familiar looking car approaching us. The style of the car matched, the color, and yes, the license plate. Stumbling upon this new discover, I had to bury the state of my shock under the shade and try not to maintain eye contact with the driver. Apparently, her mother, was the cougar I bagged two weeks ago in the back of that same car!

“I knew her voice sounded familiar,” I thought to myself as she stepped out the car and greeted her daughter.

“And you must be Raj,” she said with a smile and a look of confusion on her face as she shook my hand. As Genel went in the car, her mother winked at me with a smile as if to say, ‘I remember you and our little outing’ then drove off. That was the last time I saw Genel. We spoke after that occasion, however, was always too busy to actually meet up again. Well, that’s what I believe, despite my get telling me that her mother spill the beans of our altercation a few weeks prior. If that’s the case, I do wonder if at some point, if they sit and compare who got it better from the pleasure stick.

As I made my way home, reminiscing on the past few days, I had to quickly remind myself that I was a G, a Bunna Man, the Side Man so I had no space to facilitate this emotional feeling that I was being overwhelmed with. Just like that, I was made steadfast and ready for the road again.

A few days passed by and no word was said between Sharkiesha and I. Being bonded by the Side-Man contract I signed, mentally, I decided not to check up on her, as my intuition told me that her relationship was on a high at the moment. I was wrong. She wasn’t fine. Her relationship was not going great. I mean, if someone truly loves you, your happiness will become a priority. Therefore, whatever makes you happy will become a daily duty for them. If one party is feeling neglected or unhappy, straying will become inevitable. That was the aura that was being emitted from her, despite her valiant efforts to keep them in.

Nevertheless, Raj was there to save the day yet again. Sharkiesha told me her man was out of town for work, which added to fire to the fury of an argument they had about a rumor he heard of a schoolboy being in his space when he’s not there. She defended me like a champ. After all, I can now be closer to them in public being that I’m now her cousin. While she laid her head in my chest, she played the voice messages of their argument as proof and how she assured him I was her cousin she was just assisting me with studying. I smiled in amusement and wondered how I’d react if I was in his shoes and knew the truth. This was in early March, when the tensions and anticipation of Boy’s Championships were brewing, and all former students and fans alike, began to rep their schools. My institution was the defending champions for a few years running and looked keen on securing another that year. Unfortunately, Sharkiesha thought otherwise. She thought that the school she supported had the best chance of winning, and confidently wagered that our sexploits that night would be an indication of how the results would be on the final day of the Championships.

“Me a bet you say you can’t make me climax in less than five minutes,” she boldly claimed.

I looked around the room to see if anyone else was there because she clearly was not talking to me, a seasoned veteran, a guru in the art of ‘backshots’, ‘bruk-back’, ‘handcart’, ‘wheelbarrow’, ‘Stand-up Mas Charlie’, Slide and Boogie’. I scoffed at her erroneous claims and responded,

“How much you have fi lose?”

 “If you do it, I buy your champs ticket,” Sharkiesha countered.

After flicking the lights and lathering her body in baby oil, my pleasure stick slid swiftly, sinking deep in her glory hole, being surrounded by her wetness. As she bit her lips and looked deep in my eyes, I knew she wasn’t far away from reaching her peak, and after another angled adjustment, she was there. Lying flat on her back, exhausted from the quick rush of adrenaline through her body, she folded herself as I caressed her.

As I ran my fingertips through her hair, and pulled her back on the pleasure stick, there was a loud and ominous banging on the door a few strokes in. The strokes got shorter and less aggressive as the thuds get more aggressive. Sharkiesha had swallowed the moans she was developing so quickly, it almost caused asphyxiation, as she looked at me in fear. A man’s voice called out her name in a tone of disappointment and anger. It was her man! As Sharkiesha slithered her way through the smallest crevice of the door jam, I quickly assumed my role as the young cousin and switch the television to Disney Channel. Sitting there rekindling with my childhood, I could hear when she was telling him he can’t come inside. By this time, I was creating space in the kitchen to hide in the event he comes in angrily and checks under the bed. Surprisingly, he accepted defeat and left, which was rather strange for someone that supposedly had a key to the house, but that didn’t matter, as I was planning my escape route. As he left, she reached for her purse and paid me my winnings. Apparently, I performed so good that I had enough money to buy new apparels for the Championships, the ticket, and had enough money to spare. I thanked God for blessing me with the talent he gave me as I left the house on my P’s and Q’s. From that day on, I was inducted in the role as her Bunna Man, whenever ‘Mr. Right’ started acting up again.


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