
Showing posts from September, 2021
"Come yah so and don't move," a deep voice said, The nozzle of an M16 rifle caressed the left temple of my head. Camouflaged suits, stood distinctively in the pitch-black, Maneuvering through the yard, they huddled back to back. "Weh yuh name?" Who an' you live?" The questions came plenty, My face was contoured with shock and blushed with fright like makeup done by Fenty. But, like a Dreaming Black Boy, I sent the hindrances on snooze, Athletically completed; the yardie Langston Hughes. Walking out in a uniform, they were captivated by my essence, The green and black on my crest immediately took precedence. Wondering who will come out next, I felt like Mo Farah, As I quote "Once Upon a Time"- Gabriel Okara. The many faces for different places, that I learned to wear, As I trod the streets with confidence, and not that of fear.  

The Death of Love

 Heroin, cocaine, crack nor even meth, Would be able to adequately explain, the meaning of your untimely death Your essence still lingers, and your hugs on my body, forever will remain, Dopamine and serotonin, your voice awakes the chambers of my brain. Accepting the reality, I often equivocate, Cerebrum in tact ? Cerebellum, what's your state ? Our journey together, may have been lost on avenue Hippocampus, My limbic system crashing, heart deflating like a rhombus. Looking through the windows of your soul, watching more pain unwraps, Leering into void, my mouth speaking only gasps. Many years in the making, our love was like our grind, Insecurities, vices and flaws, no wonder love is blind. Do I still love you ? You know I can't pretend, Let me hear your voice again, so I know it's not the end.  

Parts of Each

My brother's a Pro noun, but  he doesn't hate them , Except, when smoking tobacco, marinated with a little blem'. They, Them, Us, We , are now becoming Extra-ordinary, Even babies are born blank, making them non-binary. "Genders and sexes don't share the same plate!" Make this mistake once, Gas light! Infuriate! Verbs and adverbs may describe their actions, Adjectives too, but may cause infractions. But, when the scope's on them, their answers would deflect, And for your stance on the matter, they would often interject. Onomatopoeia's though, they enter with a bang! Undoubtedly flamboyant, while making a new slang. The views of the masses, the often openly oppose,  Being born one way and living another- their lives they juxtapose.